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Un monde plus juste pour les animaux : Agissons ensemble

Our Fundamental Missions

Découvrez notre Association de Protection Animale 

Raising public awareness is at the heart of our mission, because we firmly believe that education is the key to improving the lives of animals and promoting harmonious cohabitation between humans and animals.

We also support partner shelters through concrete initiatives, such as the ARGOS 42 project, because we know that local actions can bring about big changes. Join us to make a difference and offer a better future for animals!

Chat qui s'étire sur des draps
Promenade de chien

For a Conscious Animal Protection Policy

At Argos 42, we are engaged in politics to defend animal rights and welfare. We work closely with decision-makers, legislators and local authorities to promote public policies favorable to animal protection. Our goal is to influence legislation and raise government awareness of crucial issues such as animal cruelty.

To ensure a future of hand-in-hand collaboration, we adopt a rigorous apolitical stance. This means that we are not affiliated with any political party. We support political figures and parties who have truly acted for the animal cause

They talk about us !!

anniversaire animaux


Année d'existence

pétition bien être animale

+112 975

Soutiens récoltés sur nos pétitions.

refuge animalier


refuges partenaire

projet cause animale


projets en cours

​Our latest news

Our Partners and Patrons

Les meilleurs amis de l'homme '
  • How can I make a donation to your association?
    You can make a donation online via our donation form. Every contribution, big or small, helps us provide care and shelter for animals in need.
  • Comment devenir bénévole au sein de votre association ?
    Nous sommes toujours à la recherche de bénévoles passionnés. Pour rejoindre notre équipe, veuillez remplir le formulaire de bénévolat sur notre site web. Nous vous contacterons pour discuter des possibilités de bénévolat.
  • Quels sont les types d'animaux que vous aidez ?
    Nous nous concentrons principalement sur les animaux de compagnie tels que les chiens et les chats.
  • Quelles sont les mesures que vous prenez pour assurer le bien-être des animaux dans vos refuges partenaires ?
    Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec nos refuges partenaires pour garantir que les animaux reçoivent des soins appropriés, y compris la nourriture, le logement, les soins vétérinaires et l'attention affectueuse nécessaire pour leur bien-être.
  • Comment puis-je organiser une collecte de fonds pour votre association ?
    We would be happy to help you organize a fundraiser. You can contact us via our contact form to discuss your project and receive advice and promotional materials.
  • How can I receive updates about your activities and events?
    Sign up for our newsletter to receive regular updates on our activities, upcoming events and inspiring stories about the animals we help. Our newsletter is free and appears once a month.
  • How can I become a partner of the association?
    If you would like to become a partner, please contact us via the contact form on our site. We would be happy to discuss different possible partnership options.
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